Resourceful Mentor Blog

Role of Scientific/Scholarly Societies

The scientific scholarly societies provide a diverse range of facilities, purpose and services for their members and scholars. We are having an ideal era for scientific publishing societies as they gather along scholars from around the globe having a same thirst for knowledge. Now a days people have more access to scholarly information larger than…

5 Professional Tips to be an Expert Blogger

Every one of us has thought to start blogging at some point in their lives. With world getting digital and remote work opportunities, people find the idea of blogging really fascinating. Starting a blog is not that difficult but taking your blog to expert and professional level can be a daunting task. Here we are…

Three Mindsets that Make a Business Leader

Mindsets seem to play a part in the successful implementation of strategic entrepreneurship. Identifying and cultivating such leaders is crucial for an organization’s survival, sustenance, and vitality. Leaders who effectively implemented strategic renewal, organizational upgrading and business model reconstruction had numerous mindsets allowing them to observe their environments differently, listen to cues more sensitively, and…

Piperine: A Chemo-Protective Agent against Colon Cancer

Colon cancer or colorectal cancer is ranks 3rd in disease incidence and 4th in the cause of cancer deaths around the world. The etiology behind colon cancer is still undetermined, it is a multifactorial disorder arising due to hereditary, environmental or dietary agents. Despite the advancement in the understanding of this particular disorder, therapies including;…

5 Types of Writing Styles- A Complete Guide with Examples

Writing is a unique form of communication that only includes words. Becoming a writer isn’t as simple as jotting down words on paper or in a word file. There are different types of writing styles serving different purposes. Some of them are closely related to each other some not. The technique for each type of…

Aquafat-O: A Novel Feed Additive for Hybrid Red Tilapia

The feed cost is main issue in commercial aquaculture because it makes up to sixty percent of total production cost. Therefore, many researchers examined the use of substitute protein and lipid sources, especially the vegetable sources to replace fish meal and fish oil (FO), in order to reduce the feed cost1. Lipid is considered one…

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