Role of Scientific/Scholarly Societies

The scientific scholarly societies provide a diverse range of facilities, purpose and services for their members and scholars. We are having an ideal era for scientific publishing societies as they gather along scholars from around the globe having a same thirst for knowledge. Now a days people have more access to scholarly information larger than ever as we have variety of subscription based scholarly societies with organized library sources.

Most of the scholarly societies have a history and a mission. These societies serve as a research and publication guideline in their respective subjects. Many societies are carried as a publisher including research reports, review articles, books, journals, and the wide-ranging catalogue of scientific literature. There are various societies that host different meetings, webinars, and conferences, involve recommendations, support scientific scholarly education, and nurtures minds of general population with the help of scientific scholars community.

Now with the age of public web based platforms value of scientific societies have increased. Scholarly societies provide an important link across institutions and the members around the globe are gathered having mutual interests. These societies are curated in order to ease communication not only between its members and scholars, but also among those members who are part of other intellectual community. Many scholars join such societies for the benefits and resources these societies offer which include valuable editorial work.

The main aim of the learned scientific societies is to promote scientific content and make it distributed worldwide. These societies also signify the interests of professionals and enhance the public understanding of science. There are various activities of such societies; from doing different research projects, organizing conferences to supporting new and amateur researchers in order to build their network. Societies not only work for their own benefits but also for the whole scientific community.

5 Professional Tips to be an Expert Blogger

Every one of us has thought to start blogging at some point in their lives. With world getting digital and remote work opportunities, people find the idea of blogging really fascinating. Starting a blog is not that difficult but taking your blog to expert and professional level can be a daunting task. Here we are going to discuss our top 5 tips that can change your blogging game and will take it to an expert level. But before we start our tips, you should know who actually is a professional blogger?

A Professional Blogger is a person who has monetizes their blog or website by utilizing different content making strategies that may include ads and affiliate marketing techniques. They are expert in their fields having skills to grow their blog. Their blog is their primary source of income and they put equal efforts in growing the blog as someone would do for their any other full time job. They are always looking for ways to increase their reach and target right audience.

Now let’s have a look on 5 Professional tips that can make you an expert blogger.

Content is King

No blog can ever be successful without great content. The ability to write and make effective content in order to target right audience is very crucial. Internet is full of blogs and great content, but if your content is not eye-catching and worth readable that can hook your audience to your site or blog; you will never make it to an expert level.

Follow a proper content planning strategy for your blog site. Use tools like plagiarism checker in order to analyze your content. You can also make use of grammar check to look for any grammatical errors and mistakes in the content. Avoid any spelling mistakes in the content as that can give really unprofessional look. Before posting any blog post you must check for readability score so that you can have idea about the readership level of your content.

Your blog site should be of high quality, maintaining a professional outlook, sticking to your own niche with attention grabbing words and images. If your blog site doesn’t appear coherent and professional no reader will ever respect your work.

On-site SEO Integration and Analytics

Make sure your blog ranks for the proper keywords if you want traffic and site clicks. You want to make sure that people can find your material, and SEO (Search Engine Optimization) can help with that. SEO optimized content can take you a long way. On-page optimization is the process of improving the content of your website so that search engine crawlers can readily grasp what your post is about. Given how user-friendly your material is, this will help them rank your website higher in their page results.

You gain a better understanding of your audience by investing in solid SEO methods such as keyword research, topic ranking, and so on. It also allows you to keep up with current developments in your field, so it’s time well spent.  One thing to keep in mind is that SEO is a long-term approach. Although you won’t notice quick benefits, focusing on SEO on a regular basis will help you develop a well-rounded content strategy.

Keep track of how people find you and how they arrive at your blog. You may therefore personalize your blog entries to your readers’ needs while also maximizing the utilization of those external sources that are attracting the most attention. Your analytics will also assist you determine your ROI (return on investment) and whether or not your internet advertising is effective. Keep an eye on your web analytics to ensure that your blog is doing as it should.

Consistency is the Key

A professional blog needs a significant amount of commitment. Consistency is one of the most effective methods to stay relevant. Consistency in your material guarantees that your message is remembered by your target audience. Failure to remain consistent will cause you to lose readers faster than anything else. If you write your blog every week and then go missing for two weeks straight, your followers will assume you’ve vanished and begin looking for information elsewhere. Consistency is vital because it maintains an open line of communication with your audience, which is among the principal factors blogs have become such a successful form of advertising.

Improve your search engine rating by having a low bounce rate and a longer average time spent on page per visitor. Furthermore, blogging on a regular basis is a great way to improve! Writing on a daily basis will help you develop a distinct writing style that will help you connect with readers over time.

Explore Don’t Repeat

Its fine to acknowledge other experts in your field, but don’t simply repeat what they’re saying. You need to offer something unique to the plate if you want to draw people to your site. One of the most important functions of an industry blog is to offer you a voice in the field. You will not attract readers if you merely say what everyone else is saying. Customers will come to you for your insight when a new trend emerges in your market since you are an expert in the sector. They will simply turn to the folks you are repeating if you are constantly citing others.

We have access to an incredible amount of information thanks to the Internet. There’s no cause to suppose that the knowledge you have about your industry should be kept hidden from the public eye. Someone else will talk about it if you don’t. Sharing knowledge is another excellent technique to achieve expert status by conveying it to the public at large.

If you want to be regarded as an expert blogger, you must write about current events in your profession. Stay on top of trends, whether they’re good or harmful. Make yourself the go-to source of knowledge for your readers who have questions about your sector. Maintain social media presence and be active on all accounts. Share all the information across all platforms in order to keep your audience hooked.

Utilizing Productivity Apps and Tools

Experts all have a toolset that helps them remain ahead of the competition. These online tools were developed with bloggers and website owners in mind. They will assist you in being more efficient so that you can succeed with your blog. Some of the professional tools expert bloggers use includes;

Asana – a productivity and task management tool

Evernote – Notes and personal organizer app

Prepostseo – a complete online seo expert site with 95 tools

TimeDoctor – Time tracking and productivity app for teams and individuals

LastPass – The best password manager app

Feedly – Best RSS feed reader to help you keep up with all the blogs you follow

IFTTT – Online automation app that allows you to connect different apps like your WordPress blog and social media.

Three Mindsets that Make a Business Leader

Mindsets seem to play a part in the successful implementation of strategic entrepreneurship. Identifying and cultivating such leaders is crucial for an organization’s survival, sustenance, and vitality. Leaders who effectively implemented strategic renewal, organizational upgrading and business model reconstruction had numerous mindsets allowing them to observe their environments differently, listen to cues more sensitively, and respond appropriately.

In order to practice strategic entrepreneurship within organizations, entrepreneurial leadership is required. However, the practice of entrepreneurial leadership appears ethereal, and identifying entrepreneurial leaders within organizations appears to be a complete fluke. While we know a lot about entrepreneurial leaders’ behaviors and styles, we don’t know much about their mentalities, cognitive filters through which they perform impact their actions and decisions. Entrepreneurial leaders, according to certain researches, acquire and practice different mindsets simultaneously, making them more comfortable with uncertainty and ambiguity.

Let’s have a look on three mindsets that make an entrepreneur a true leader.

  • People-oriented Mindset:

Entrepreneurial leaders’ people-oriented mindset consists of two components: remaining inclusive and open, as well as being positive and appreciative. The leader seems to garner the support and trust of their employees and team members by utilizing these techniques. This can be crucial for developing an entrepreneurial culture within the company as well as motivating people to think and act entrepreneur.

  • Purpose-oriented Mindset:

While the entrepreneurial leaders’ focus on individuals may create the impression that they were open, inclusive, cheerful, and appreciative, they can also purpose-driven. Entrepreneurial leaders that strike an unusual mix between people- and purpose-oriented thinking are able to be patient while simultaneously igniting action. Their capacity to maintain patience over time is aided by their precise focus on the goal. The two components of a purpose-oriented mindset are staying focused on purpose or the intention and being patient with the journey.


Another factor that enabled entrepreneurs to keep focused on their goals was their amazing patience with their journey. They quickly realize that their journey would not be smooth or swift. They have to be committed to their causes and must be willing to be patient for lengthy periods of time. Their commitment to their causes is reflected not only in their belief in their causes, but also in their amazing patience with the process, which enabled them to successfully achieve a large-scale fundamental change.

  • Learning-oriented Mindset:

Entrepreneurial leaders’ learning-oriented approach consists of two parts: listening as well as picking up signals from all directions, and experimenting and taking risks. Entrepreneurs are known for their ability to listen and stay alert to signals. It enables people to discover opportunities. In return employees of a firm would be inspired to take comparable risks because of the experimental character of actions and calculated risk-taking.

Piperine: A Chemo-Protective Agent against Colon Cancer

Colon cancer or colorectal cancer is ranks 3rd in disease incidence and 4th in the cause of cancer deaths around the world. The etiology behind colon cancer is still undetermined, it is a multifactorial disorder arising due to hereditary, environmental or dietary agents. Despite the advancement in the understanding of this particular disorder, therapies including; surgery, radiation and chemotherapy drugs are limited to treat the advanced stages of colon cancer1.

The development of colon cancer is a multi-step process and it begins as a benign polyp; a growth of tissue that starts in the lining and grows into the center of the colon. The benign polyp can develop into an advanced adenoma with a high-grade dysplasia which eventually progresses to an invasive cancer2.

Environment toxin, 1, 2-dimethylhydrazine or DMH, is a specific colon carcinogenic pollutant3. The active intermediates of DMH such as, azoxymethane and methyl-azoxymethanol are formed in the liver and are transported into the colon through bile and blood. This pollutant produces free radicals that cause oxidative changes at the subcellular level, resulting in DNA damage, organ damage such as; the liver and colon.

Previous reports have concluded that DNA damage due to reactive oxygen species (ROS) and the presence of oxidative DNA adducts can contribute in the formation of tumor or tumorigenic process4.

Piperine is a strong ingredient with a nitrogenous group. It is an alkaloid obtained from the sources, Piper nigrum and Piper longum of the family Piperaceae. It displays the following reported properties; significant anti-oxidant5, anti-inflammatory, anti-tumor, anti-proliferative and anti-mutagenic activities6. Piperine showed a protective effect against skin cancer, lung cancer, melanoma and various other types of carcinogenesis.

In the above context a new study was conducted regarding the chemo-protective role of Piperine against colorectal cancer produced by the environmental toxin, i.e., DMH in mice. Piperine was tested against DMH induced colon cancer in mice and studied qualitatively through morphological analysis and quantitative via estimation of various biochemical parameters7.

Male Swiss albino mice were divided into five groups. Body weights were daily recorded and at the end of the treatment period, the animals were sacrificed under anesthesia. The colons were harvested and quantified for Aberrant Crypt Foci (ACF) various biochemical estimations (Malondialdehyde (MDA), Glutathione (GSH), Superoxide dismutase (SOD) and nitrite levels) and histological examination.

Piperine was treated against DMH induced colorectal cancer in mice and upon treatment, it had shown significant protective effects. The altered oxidative stress markers and the altered histo-architecture of the isolated colons were significantly repaired due to piperine.

It was discovered that piperine demonstrates a chemo-protective effect against DMH induced colon cancer. Using markers such ACFs (aberrant crypt foci) and various biochemical parameters, the therapeutic activity of piperine was assessed against the damage caused by DMH. In this study, piperine’s efficacy was concluded due to its anti-oxidant property and the role of antioxidants as a method of treatment may provide a new direction in understanding the etiology of many disorders including colon cancer.


  1. Langman, M.J.S., 1971. Epidemiology of cancer of the oesophagus and stomach. Br. J. Surg., 58: 792-793.
  2. Cappell, M.S., 2005. The pathophysiology, clinical presentation and diagnosis of colon cancer and adenomatous polyps. Med. Clin., 89: 1-42.
  3. Aranganathan, S. and N. Nalini, 2009. Efficacy of the potential chemopreventive agent, hesperetin (citrus flavanone), on 1,2-dimethylhydrazine induced colon carcinogenesis. Food Chem. Toxicol., 47: 2594-2600.
  4. Bird, R.P., 1987. Observation and quantification of aberrant crypts in the murine colon treated with a colon carcinogen: Preliminary findings. Cancer Lett., 37: 147-151.
  5. Mittal, R. and R.L. Gupta, 2000. In vitro antioxidant activity of piperine. Methods Find. Exp. Clin. Pharmacol., 22: 271-274.
  6. Ahmad, N., H. Fazal, B.H. Abbasi, S. Farooq, M. Ali and M.A. Khan, 2012. Biological role of Piper nigrum L. (Black pepper): A review. Asian Pac. J. Trop. Biomed., 2: S1945-S1953.
  7. Bantal, V., Ghanta, P., and Tejasvi, P., 2018. Piperine Presents Chemo-preventive Property Against 1, 2-Dimethyl Hydrazine Induced Colon Cancer in Mice: Biochemical and Physiological Evidences. Pharma, 9: 30-38.

5 Types of Writing Styles- A Complete Guide with Examples

Writing is a unique form of communication that only includes words. Becoming a writer isn’t as simple as jotting down words on paper or in a word file. There are different types of writing styles serving different purposes. Some of them are closely related to each other some not. The technique for each type of writing style makes it different from other. Let’s have a look at the 5 different types of writings with examples to have a clear difference among them.

Narrative Writing

Starting with the one of the most common writing style i.e. Narrative writing. It is all about storytelling with words. It is sharing something happened to a character. The story could be a real one or a fictional story. When it comes to Narrative writing; it is considered to be one of easiest styles in terms of reading and most difficult in terms of writing. It requires a lot of imaginative skills to write a story that takes it readers with in its own world.

Narrative writing uses numerous common elements of storytelling, for example; plot, character, setting, conflict, emotion, and a core message that a writer is trying to convey. It always has a person who tells a story or an event from his / her point of view. A narrative story always has a specific beginning, interval, and ending.

Although narrative writing can take plenty of forms, one thing is constantly factual: One should take the reader on a journey with a beginning, middle, and end. Even if you’re just telling the story of a hilarious event that happened to you yesterday, your character should start somewhere, run into some sort of conflict or exciting experience, and then eventually reach a declaration.

Narrative writing is commonly used in Fiction. It is also seen in Novels, Short stories, Memoirs, Biographies, Autobiographies, Creative essays, Feature stories, Presentations or speeches. The best example of Narrative Writing can be found in Harry Potter, a series of seven books written by J. K. Rowling. One who has read Harry Potter has imagined the “Hogwarts” school differently.

Here are some great examples on the internet that you would enjoy reading as well as have a clear perspective on this writing style.

  1. Wounding Radius” by Constance Squires
  2. “The Lady with the Dog” by Anton Chekhov
  3. You Are Going to Be a Good Man” by George McCormick

Persuasive Writing

This writing style is all about getting your point across. The primary aim is to share an opinion in a thoughtful way in order to convince and persuade the reader regarding particular viewpoint or idea. It includes opinion and a personal point of view of the author. This type of writing is used when a person has a strong stance on an issue or need to inspire people to take action towards a cause

The author should have known about the other side of the topic so that he can present the strongest information to counter it. He/she should be able to develop a well-defined and debatable topic. Persuasive writing contains reasons, arguments, and justifications.

One can’t expect to simply state their point of view and have everyone convinced. The writer should effectively use several sorts of evidence to back up his/her argument which includes: Statistical evidence; such as hard facts or studies, Anecdotal evidence; such as personal experiences or interviews, Testimonial evidence; such as quotes from experts in the subject, Textual evidence, such as passages from books or primary sources.

Persuasive writing can be seen in editorial and opinion sections of newspapers, reviews (of books, movies, music, restaurant, hotel or city), Sales and Copywriting, Speeches or presentations, cover letters, letters of recommendation or complaint. Persuasive essays are widely used for academic purpose.

Here are some great examples on the internet that you would enjoy reading as well as have a clear perspective on this writing style.

  1. I wanna Iguana” by Karen Kaufman Orloff
  2. Why I Love Political Canvassing” by Sara Eckel
  3. Smart, Educated and Skilled—But Stuck at Home” by Kavita Krishnan

Expository writing 

Expository writing; as the title suggests, is intend to explain or describe something. It covers pretty much the absolute array of human experience, from inventions to nature, emotions to politics, family to hobbies and more. The goal is simply to teach the reader something.

The purpose of expository writing is to answer the who, what, why, when, and how questions. You must describe everything in a clear tone and avoid using any excessive technical language or jargons not to create confusion for readers. The trick is to write from a beginner’s mindset to make your piece as useful as possible.

Most importantly, keeping emotions and opinions about a certain subject at bay. Unlike persuasive writing, expository writing shouldn’t have an angle or agenda; just the facts.

Generally expository writing was considered to be academic style like in text books and on web with how-to articles. This type of writing can be found in; explainer How-to articles, FAQ Pages, Product Brochures explaining how something works, Help Center articles, Textbooks, Business or Technical Writing, or any sort of general training material.

Here are some great examples on the internet that you would enjoy reading as well as have a clear perspective on this writing style.

  1. This Blog Post Article
  2. User Manual- Series 7 Spin” Notebook Laptop by Samsung
  3. PTB “English Text Book” for Grade 8

Descriptive Writing

Descriptive writing comprises of capturing of every single detail of a person, place or scene you are writing about. The goal is to engage and occupy the reader’s attention in such a way as they are present there. Think of it as painting a picture with words in reader’s mind. Writing exactly the thing that helps readers to truly envision the subject in their mind’s eye. This type of writing includes crafting a vivid description using not only all the five senses but the perfect mix of similes and metaphors in order to evoke the feelings and elevate the mood; connecting with readers on deeper level. Descriptive writing is about more than just making your story pretty.

As Kathy Fish says;

Great description accomplishes four things. It immerses the reader and gives them a ‘felt experience.’ It also establishes, enhances, or changes the tone of the story. It can compel the reader forward into the story, especially if you include something that’s surprising or unexpected into your description. It can give the reader a sense of the internal state of your character.”

This type of writing style can be found in, Poems or song lyrics, Fiction, such as novels or short stories, Copy writing, such as when describing a product or travel destination.

Creative Writing 

The art of making things up and put them into words is considered as Creative Writing. It is very much different from professional writing. Considering for the artistic medium there are no rules to follow. A creative writer can not only use any of the above mentioned style but also combine the styles in surprising new ways.

It allows a writer to follow his/her own way; trying new formats and structures, can even bring other elements and multimedia art in their write up. Some of the examples include; Humor writing or satire, Flash fiction, Horror, Crime, Data Journalism, Poetry, Creative non-Fiction etc. Mainly any piece of writing which originates from the imaginations of a person falls under creative writing.

Here are some great examples on the internet that you would enjoy reading as well as have a clear perspective on this writing style.

  1. Floating Away” by Jamie Holweger- A Short Story
  2. Savage Beauty” by Caleb Brown- A Poem
  3. Educated” by Tara Westover- A Memoir

Aquafat-O: A Novel Feed Additive for Hybrid Red Tilapia

The feed cost is main issue in commercial aquaculture because it makes up to sixty percent of total production cost. Therefore, many researchers examined the use of substitute protein and lipid sources, especially the vegetable sources to replace fish meal and fish oil (FO), in order to reduce the feed cost1.

Lipid is considered one of the most important components in tilapia diets that provide energy and essential fatty acids. Fish also need lipids for essential functions including growth, development, reproduction and maintenance of healthy tissues and flesh quality1.

Fish and other mammals cannot synthesize essential fatty acids i.e. polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) like linolenic acid (LA), linoleic acid (LNA) and oleic acid (OA)2. Freshwater fish need LA and/or LNA as the essential fatty acids for normal growth and reproduction3.

The first hybrid red tilapia was produced in Taiwan in the late 1960s. The red tilapia has several advantages such as the fast growth rate, good conversion, ability to grow in saline and salt waters and low susceptibility to diseases, which have promoted its spread4.

Arbitrarily, some fish farmers feed tilapia fish on some commercial feed additives like Aquafat-O® as a growth and immune enhancer agent or as a precautionary measure against the environmental stressors. Therefore researchers conducted a study to determine the appropriate level of Aquafat-O® (a novel feed additive) for hybrid red tilapia5.

It was found that growth performance and feed utilization parameters, haematological parameters and total antioxidant capacity were significantly improved with increasing Aquafat-O® levels. Furthermore, the dietary addition of 6% Aquafat-O® led to the reduction in lipid content of the whole fish body, serum glucose, total cholesterol, triglyceride and hepatic lipid peroxidase.

According to the physiological findings obtained, advanced studies are needed not only to determine the optimal level of dietary Aquafat-O® against different types of stress such as the water cold stress, mycotoxins, high stocking density, water pollutants on fish species, but also for more understanding the relation between dietary lipid levels, types or sources and the antioxidant defense system of fish in different life stages.


Ferreira, M.W., D.V. da Costa, C.A.G. Leal and H.C.P. Figueiredo, 2015. Dietary oil sources on the innate immunity and resistance of Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus, to Streptococcus agalactiae challenge. J. World Aquacult. Soc., 46: 252-262.

Calder, P.C. and R.F. Grimble, 2002. Polyunsaturated fatty acids, inflammation and immunity. Eur. J. Clin. Nutr., 56: S14-S19.

Li, E., C. Lim, P.H. Klesius and T.L. Welker, 2013. Growth, body fatty acid composition, immune response and resistance to Streptococcus iniae of hybrid tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus × Oreochromis aureus, fed diets containing various levels of linoleic and linolenic acids. J. World Aquac. Soc., 44: 42-55.

Maria, R.R., R. Romana and V.E. Ruel, 1999. Growth of five Asia red tilapia strains in saline environments. Aquaculture, 173: 161-170.

Mohamd Moaaz Refaey, Ahmed Ismail Mehrim and Magda Mahmoud El-Komy, 2018. Aquafat-O® as a Growth and Physiological Enhancer Agent for Hybrid Red Tilapia, ♂Oreochromis niloticus (L.)×♀Oreochromis mossambicus (Peters). Asian Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances, 13: 14-24.

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